So I haven't posted in quite a while. Things have been pretty crazy here, but I sew when I can. Today I am waiting on my next row for the row quilt. I hope it's something that is easy to pull some fabrics in that I've already used.
I've been a little discombobulated about the quilting. I was recovering from that stomach virus when our sweet little poodle got very sick. Be careful what you put on your lawn! She was throwing up blood from Scott's Weed and Feed that we put out. It didn't say anything about being harmful to dogs, but she was throwing up blood. On their site is says to water it in and wait until it dries before dogs get on it. There was nothing on the bag. She was a sick little girl, but she's ok now.
Then my husband had a pain in his side that wouldn't go away, and after a long ER visit, it was diagnosed as gall bladder. So hurt on Tuesday. Final diagnosis on Wednesday. Surgery on Thursday. We don't waste any time around here. He is recovering nicely. This is the 3rd May in a row he's had surgery. In fact, this one was one year to the day since his last one. I'm starting to dread May!
I've not been able to get down to the sewing room, so I grabbed some handwork. I'm quilting this wedding quilt. It is pretty small, so I thought it wouldn't be a problem. Ha. Once I get going I enjoy it, but hate having to move the hoop all around to find a comfortable position to quilt. I am going to be very proud of this when I am done. I am trying to get it finished by November, their anniversary. Did I mention this was wedding quilt signed by family? Well, it's their 10th anniversary.
There are some empty snowballs around the outside. I've been thinking about a motif for those, but I am still quilting around the edges. Any ideas? |
This shows how long I've put this off. Peyton is a Sophomore in high school. I am so bad. |
I'm using this hoop and the quarter inch tape. I tried not using tape, but my judgement itsn't very good! This just makes it easier to mindlessly quilt. |
I finished all the pink bunnies for my little Bunny Hill quilt. I took them to the hospital with me and it made the time go faster.
In other news, we are actually having a spring here in Tennessee. My hummingbirds have migrated on, though, and I hope a new batch shows up soon!