Sunday, March 05, 2006

Goals and excuses

Goals for last week:

Finish the blue and yellow quilt top - OK, I was doing really well on this, and then put a row of sashing on upside down so had to reverse sew. Then we had unexpected company and there were a couple of days with no sewing. Then we were gone all day yesterday and will be gone all day today. Real life has gotten in the way. All that as an excuse to say, isn't done.
Put binding on brown/gold mystery quilt Done and working on hand work
Finish binding repair on I Spy Quilt done
Get back to handquilting!! Worked 3 nights
Find fabric for border on chiclets quilt Done

Goals for this week:
There's going to be very little sewing going on for the next three weeks! Holly and baby Dennis are going to be here, and we are going to try to pack the town house and get stuff out of there. Quilting will take a backseat for sure. These goals are waaaaay flexible!

Put borders on Chiclet quilt
Try to get Chiclet quilt to long arm quilter

Try to get blue/yellow top together
Cut scraps for a few minutes each time I go to the loft to sew
Continue hand quilting and working on binding of brown/gold binding whenever possible

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