my daughter's Cabbage Patch doll, had a tiny little makeover. He has new velcro closing his jacket and pants. The old stuff was a little ragged after 26 or so years. He is ready to be loved by her son now. (Circle of life??) Now if I could just find his shoes.
Hi Onnie, your daughter's CP doll ... wow, and now he's ready for your daughter's child to play with...circle of life is right...and how wonderful!
Angie at www.threadcatcher.blogspot.com
Ooops, meant to tell you, your hayride sounds like such fun, brings back memories of my younger days. LOL Wish you were close by, I would come and ride with you!! :)
Angie, I think you are close by! We are an hour or so on the other side of Knoxville. Our colors are not quite as far along as yours, but it will be a beautiful weekend.
(I tried to comment on your blog...can't! Hope you get this note!)
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