Every post these days is about how I'm not getting any sewing done. Well, this is another one. Fall is my favorite time of year and a couple of years ago, I got the bright idea to have a hayride. It was fun. So before the night was over the next year's hayride was being planned, and it has 'sploded! This year we are expecting about 50 people. This is a picture of the first ride at last year's party. My poor husband.

We carve pumpkins, have a big campfire, roast weiners and marshmallows, and, of course, ride, ride, ride. My husband teases me about my ambitious plans, but he's the one who wants to get glow sticks so we can put jack-o-lanterns in trees.
On the sewing front, I am slowly making leaves for the Maple Leaf quilt. I really like doing them one at a time and thinking about each leaf as I do it. It's a nice change from speed piecing. I am really liking the fabrics I've picked out, too. I'm going to finish up a leaf this morning and then pack up the sewing area for out-of-town guests coming for the hayride. I have a busy fall planned until Thanksgiving, and I don't know how much sewing will get done.
I'm working on the binding for a baby quilt cause the little Momma' will be here for the hayride, and I'd like to give her the quilt then. And the fall charm quilt is back from the machine quilter. It looks really good. It just has a plain muslim backing, and the brown feathers look really pretty.
Much to do...I'm outta' here.