Monday, December 25, 2006
You there, Internets?
I hope you and yours are having a wonderful holiday season.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
Saturday, December 02, 2006
The reveal....
It was a mystery quilt from the Pocketful of Mysteries Yahoo list. The pastels were left from my grandson's quilt, and the background was from stash. (Hooray for me!) The three colors in the upper left corner don't look like that, and I really finished it and just didn't send the top!
Tuesday, November 28, 2006
Too clean....
And boy do I have scraps to cut. (Yes, I even looked down by the scrap bin.)
Monday, November 27, 2006
Who has time....
Quilting goal for the week:
Get baby quilt in the mail.
Figure out what I want to do for my downtime handwork...quilting? Put on a binding?
Notice I didn't say "do it"...I just said to figure it out. Hope you are feeling the creative juices more than I am.
Thursday, November 23, 2006
It was a wonderful day here, and all of our children and families were here to share it with us at one time or another. It doesn't get any better. (The food was great, too! We had an unexpected dish of turkey enchiladas from our son the chef that were wonderful!)

Friday, November 17, 2006

Sunday, November 12, 2006
Monday, October 30, 2006
Why no sewing has been getting done!
Thursday, October 26, 2006
Fall qpplique

Tuesday, October 24, 2006
Fall quilting

Here is a picture of the fall quilt with the quilting. I actually bought coordinating fabric for the back, but then I made the quilt itself too long and the backing fabric wouldn't work. I went with a plain backing and decided to let the quilting show up by having it done in a reddish brown. I may work on the binding for it once I get these two 3 year olds settled down. They are exhausting this morning. I never thought I'd make them watch TV!
Sunday, October 22, 2006
Hayride 2006
Here is the pumpking carving area early in the evening. We had 8 pumpkins carved and lit with candles. Their creators took them home.

Friday, October 20, 2006
Maple leaves
Here are a couple of pictures of the fabric I have been collecting for maple leaves. Right now I am making just one from each fabric, but may have to go back later and double up. I'm trying not to spend any money on fabric right now.

Tuesday, October 17, 2006
Woodward Sid....

We carve pumpkins, have a big campfire, roast weiners and marshmallows, and, of course, ride, ride, ride. My husband teases me about my ambitious plans, but he's the one who wants to get glow sticks so we can put jack-o-lanterns in trees.
On the sewing front, I am slowly making leaves for the Maple Leaf quilt. I really like doing them one at a time and thinking about each leaf as I do it. It's a nice change from speed piecing. I am really liking the fabrics I've picked out, too. I'm going to finish up a leaf this morning and then pack up the sewing area for out-of-town guests coming for the hayride. I have a busy fall planned until Thanksgiving, and I don't know how much sewing will get done.
I'm working on the binding for a baby quilt cause the little Momma' will be here for the hayride, and I'd like to give her the quilt then. And the fall charm quilt is back from the machine quilter. It looks really good. It just has a plain muslim backing, and the brown feathers look really pretty.
Much to do...I'm outta' here.
Saturday, October 14, 2006
The reason I've not been sewing.....

And what did I do while there? Got out of the car....and my back was hurting. I swear, I did nothing but sit in the car and lift nothing heavier than a travel bingo game! Sheesh!
Tuesday, October 10, 2006

And I was in Charlotte and didn't go to Mary Jo's. How's that for self-control?
Wednesday, October 04, 2006
Time to 'fess up

Monday, October 02, 2006

I didn't really listen to the fabric recommendations from the designer. I had seen this fabric at the store, and I wanted it. Wanted it!!!! So I got it. I can see that the middle design would have worked better brighter, but I loved the fabric. Wish I'd done a larger size. The quilt was in 3 sizes, and each had a different layout.
In the spirit of the new name of this blog, I will confess several silly mistakes...the worst was making 32 2.5 inch blocks in the wrong size. Didn't take long to fix it, but I was sure glad I had extra fabric. Bought it on purpose! Plus scraps....I luv me some scraps!
Saturday, September 30, 2006

In all spaces that had a lot of open space, there is a design. The blue had 3 blocks in each corner, and it looks really nice.
Each of the tri-rec (shudder, can't stand to mention them!) blocks are all quilted in a different pattern. It sure adds a lot of interest. All of the tri recs ( ugh) triangles, all million of them, are done 1/4 inch.
Most of the regular blocks are just 1/4 inch quilted or in the ditch. I'm really pleased with it. And the little boat quilt turned out real cute. It has a wave pattern.

Here is as far as I have gotten on the Mystery quilt. This is clue 1 and 2 for the small size.
Ooooooo, the excitement!
On another note: remember the Quilt of Which We Do Not Speak? I don't think I told you, but the long-arm quilters loved it. Thought it was beautiful. I think it's in their job description to oooze over quilts, but I digress. I really think they liked this one 'cause Norma says, "Let me play with it. I'll make you like it." So, of course, I say, "And how much will this cost?" and she tells me just the basic like an all over pattern.
The quilt. Is. Beautiful. Patterns in all blanks spaces. All blocks different, some outlined. Beautiful. And I do love the backing fabric. Makes me wish I'd done a better job on the front.
Maybe I should name it Quilting Confessions???
Wednesday, September 27, 2006
Attention deficit.
Monday, September 25, 2006

Sunday, September 24, 2006

I've tried to upload pictures of my t-shirt blocks. Blogger will not cooperate. Wish I had another site. Anyway, I tried to make the blocks bigger than I thought I'd need them, but no two are the same size. Electric Quilt is going to get a real workout when I get enough of them done.
I'll end with this bit of advice: Never sew in black knit pajamas.
Saturday, September 23, 2006
I've also washed T-shirts that I want to put in a quilt and I'm going to buy some interfacing this weekend and get some blocks cut. At least I'll get rid of the bulk of fabric of the shirts and just have a stack of different sized blocks.
I never realized I should be buying tshirts according to the design size! I have huge designs; I have tiny designs. I have many, many, pocket decorations and small designs from shirts that my husband got from work. I could do a whole quilt in just M&M designs, and as I wrote that a lightbulb went on over my head. I think I have 2 tshirt quilts....a travel one, and and M&M one.
Thank you, Internets, for making me think this through.
SO did I talk anyone else into doing the Quiltaholics mystery next weekend?
Have a fantastic weekend!
Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Here's a little better picture of the fabrics.

And this fabric....oh good the fabric for the new quilt that I wasn't even thinking about yesterday. It is for Deb's new Quiltaholics mystery quilt that will be the last weekend in September. It's already cut and ready to go. She just does good work, and I don't want to miss it. If you are interested, got to the project section and take the Mystery (duh) link from her page. (I also laid out 3 quilts I want to do. Now. )

Monday, September 18, 2006
Why oh why oh why....
I worked today on the fall/Halloween quilt. I have to finish the final border. This is the very first quilt that I've ever done without washing the fabrics. I made it from 5 inch charms and I was afraid to wash them. I'm going to get it all done and then throw it in the machine on handwash with one of those color grabber things that I never knew existed until I read it on one of my Yahoo groups.
ANYWAY....I'm resting while Littlest Quilter naps in the sewing room, and I find this beautiful quilt. I just love it! I've always wanted to do a Maple Leaf quilt and this one has pizazz. I've even collected all the fabrics for the fall leaves. I will need to buy background, probably, and definitely will have to get the "sashing" fabric. Judy Laquidara gave directions to do this quilt working an hour a day. I don't know about that, but I think I'm going to have to do this one.
But the problem is that the beautiful medallion quilt needs me. It's calling to me. I keep telling it to just hush, and it ignores me. Maybe if I make a few blocks just to see how it looks I can go back to the medallion.
WAIT! That's another started but not finished project. ARGH. I'm hopeless.
(Picture tomorrow of the fall quilt when I get that last border on. Or day after if we go to story time at the library! Priorities!
Saturday, September 16, 2006
It's home, it's home!
Anyway....I have been sewing quite a bit. I am really loving the plain, ole vanilla 5inch charm quilt I've been doing. For once, I have no issues with matching seams. OK, it's hard to have issues with plain square matching. I admit it!
I talked to my longarm quilter again about my problems last time with the backing not covering the front. I hope that solves the problem as I took 2 more quilts into her last week. One was the- quilt-we-will-not-speak-of.
I am going on no buying binge. I just gotta' stop buying more fabric when I have tons. I have whole projects in bags with patterns, ready to go, and I buy more fabric and start new quilts.
Finish Fall charm quilt and get to quilter
Finish hand stitching binding on blue/yellow quilt
Work on medallion quilt. It's been so long it may take a while to even find my place!
Get out the hand quilting and get started. It's cool enough now to sit covered with a quilt.
Hope all is well with all of you! Check in when you can.
Tuesday, September 12, 2006
Saturday, September 09, 2006

Helping me with a mystery quilt by quiltaholics.

My design wall is the floor. So is Gracie's!

Happy quilting to all!
Friday, September 01, 2006
Well, I thought I'd posted the completed ship quilt, but, obviously, I didn't. I did take the's that? I won't be posting them anytime soon as the laptop has gone on a little trip to get its fan replaced.
Anyway, here is what I'm focused on at this point:
* Finish about 5 hand stitches to complete binding on baby quilt
* Play with embroidery machine and get some kind of cute label for baby quilt
* Get fabric for backing of ship baby quilt. I know just what I want!
* Start hand sewing the binding on that blue and yellow sampler quilt that I posted
* Keep working on charm Halloween quilt
I bought 5" charms from the Moda Halloween fabric, Trick or Treat Smell My Feet. I really like it. It's "halloweeny" without being skulls and cats in hats. (Not that there's anything wrong with that.... Joy, get it?) I'm going to try to get 1 set of charms done a day, but we intend to work at the old house this weekend, so we'll see. I did get 1 set of blocks done today. This is just an extremely easy pattern. Just sew 'em up in "twosies" and "foursies" and then set them on point. I got the fabric from the Fat Quarter Shop. They always have good service. (No connection, just like them.)
Hope everyone has a happy Labor Day!
Tuesday, August 22, 2006
First of all, thanks
I've really been working on this medallion quilt from Downhome Quilters. I love it the name, Follow Your Heart. You can see where it's going from here to finish the middle, but then there is more to go. Go here to see the pattern. You know how you fall in love with a fabric? Well, those friendship stars that are gold was the fabric I loved. And it's the one I'm least happy with in this quilt. Not enough contrast, but I still think the quilt is going to be beautiful when it's finished.
So my daughter from NC was here this weekend, and we had a wonderful visit. She has a friend who is expecting her 2nd baby (in about 18 months!), a son. Well, I said to Holly, "Well, I won't have to make a quilt this time, I don't think. I gave her one last time." So Holly tells me how A. has this quilt on the wall of her daughter's room and how she just loves it. So, you guessed it. I'm making a quilt. If she appreciates, I'll make it.
This is the pattern I chose. It's easy and fast. I found it on the McCalls site. I may change it up a little...I'm thinking about not doing the narrow verticle sashing between the rows of boats, but I'll decide later.
I was starting to despair in the fabric store when I found this great light blue with a design that looks like waves. And I had to have the fish. So here are the ones that are finished. I have all the sail HST made and am trimming them down this evening. I would like to get it done pretty quickly. I have less than 3 months!
I'm using only stash for the sails. I wanted a variety, but I know already that the solid look (tone on tone) really look best. But I'm going to use up some of my left over I Spy squares. I am dedicated to using what I have as much as possible.
So that's it for me. I would have posted much sooner, but Blogger has been really tempermental. Thanks again to those of you who emailed me. I love hearing from folks. I hope you all are sewing up a storm and staying out of this heat!
Monday, August 14, 2006
So, here it is.
It's not the fact I really, really like the pattern! I take full responsibility for this quilt turning out so badly! If you are interested, it's the BOM at Quiltaholics.

Iternets, we will Never. Speak of this. Again.
Sunday, August 13, 2006
I really have been working.....
So here are some pictures of my friend-like-a-sister and the quilt she and her sister-in-law made. They took the all of Granny's handmade pieces that nobody else wanted because they were worn, stained, or torn. They just started snipping and cutting, and using antique lace, and came out with two beautiful quilts. These pictures are of the first one. She loved doing it, and I think we may go through some of my mom's stuff and do the same thing. I think it's a great idea, and I'm thrilled she'll help me get it done.
Right now Linda is working on a Tennessee themed quilt. I looked at her book and decided there were way too many templets for me to want do it right now. Linda does the most beautiful applique. Makes mine look extremely shabby. I love her anyway!

Wednesday, August 02, 2006
Burning question....
This morning has really made me live by my motto of "Better finished than perfect." What a mess this quilt is. I can't even list all the things that are wrong with it. I even thought about just stopping and putting it away, but I figured they'd find it after I died and I would just be mortified if they took it to someone to finish!
I kept thinking about my mom's quilts. Now that I piece, I see she made lots of mistakes. But we never noticed them! And we cherish them all, no matter what.
So, a mess or not, it will soon be finished. I need to put on one more row of tri-recs, and then finish it up with another gold border. And boy will I be glad when it's done!!! And I'll take it back to the same ole' longarm quilter cause I'd be ashamed to show it to anyone else!!
Friday, July 21, 2006
Thursday, July 06, 2006
And the complications continue...
I absolutely love Deb's designs from Quiltaholics, but I always have the tiniest bit of trouble. I think her definition of beginner, and my definition of beginner aren't the same! If you haven't checked out her designs, head over there. She is great!
I would take a picture of my latest disaster, I can't. I made a big mistake. I pulled weeds. For about 5 minutes. I have been in bed or on couch all day. My back is totally out of whack. I am going to have to break down and do something about it eventually, I guess.
All my good intentions.....sheesh.
Wednesday, June 28, 2006
The reason I'm getting nothing done.....

Anyway, the real truth is that I've lost my drive. I go to the loft and just look at all the equipment. I putter arond, and I come back downstairs. And now Grace is napping up there, so I don't even have nap time to work.
If anyone reading has a trick to make me want to sew again, tell me! I used to be able to go up and if I stayed long enough, I'd get motivated. Not working these days.