Oct. 1, 2007
7 lbs 12 oz
19 inches long
This started out as a journal, but ended up as a place to share all the ups and downs of quilting. I will keep track of projects and set goals, and I, obviously, still believe "Better finished than perfect"
Jeanne on Spiral always lists things she is grateful for at the end of her post. Think I'll start doing that some of the time.
1) My beautiful irises
2) having Gracie here today to keep me laughing and busy
3) my wonderful husband who helped me book a girls' trip to Vegas this afternoon (Woohoo!)
4) the blogs that I read that give me all kinds of things to think about....like things to be thankful for!
Mary Jo's is just amazing. I really have to focus or I could just wander around for hours.
I bought a cool backing for the sailboat quilt. I got a new brown that isn't a directional print for boats.
And then I bought some pretty Thimbleberry fabric I just liked. It's stash. But surely I got enough for a quilt!
4 yards background, 4 yards dark (I really liked this one), 2 yards of med dark, 2 yards med, and 1 yard of another sorta' light medium. I was thinking maybe I could just find some blocks and do a sampler. Surely I can get a pretty quilt out of it. Or I might do the Quiltaholics mystery quilt next weekend. That's a thought.........