can't I finish one quilt before I want to start another? Are you like that?
I worked today on the fall/Halloween quilt. I have to finish the final border. This is the very first quilt that I've ever done without washing the fabrics. I made it from 5 inch charms and I was afraid to wash them. I'm going to get it all done and then throw it in the machine on handwash with one of those color grabber things that I never knew existed until I read it on one of my Yahoo groups.
ANYWAY....I'm resting while Littlest Quilter naps in the sewing room, and I find
this beautiful quilt. I just love it! I've always wanted to do a Maple Leaf quilt and this one has pizazz. I've even collected all the fabrics for the fall leaves. I will need to buy background, probably, and definitely will have to get the "sashing" fabric. Judy Laquidara gave directions to do this quilt working an hour a day. I don't know about that, but I think I'm going to have to do this one.
But the problem is that the beautiful medallion quilt needs me. It's calling to me. I keep telling it to just hush, and it ignores me. Maybe if I make a few blocks just to see how it looks I can go back to the medallion.
WAIT! That's another started but not finished project. ARGH. I'm hopeless.
(Picture tomorrow of the fall quilt when I get that last border on. Or day after if we go to story time at the library! Priorities!